Saturday, July 01, 2006

Rat Calmness!

Saturday 9:18 a.m.
In most of an adulthood spent trying to give things up, I can safely say that I have never managed to give anything up. But I have sometimes stopped doing things for a while. For instance, I don't smoke cigarettes just now. I didn't have any pollutants at all yesterday and tried to remember that I was supposed to be in a wind and rain battered tent down at the Samye Ling.

My mind felt quite calm this morning when I was meditating.

If you don't meditate and you think you know what calmness is, you don't.

If it was what you think it is, St Antony wouldn't have spent forty years in a cave in the Egyptian desert practising it.

If you don't meditate and you think you know what bliss is, you definitely don't.

Flatheids just don't get ra bliss!

If raising inner heat is the foundation stone for practising the 6 Yogas of Naropa, calmness is the basis for everything else.

Over the last year I have really enjoyed getting pissed and blogging. Sometimes I have felt most amused and exhilerated. I do enjoy my brains and I do like thoughts. The kind of blogging I do is more like scribbling if real writing is copperplate, but I have really enjoyed doing it.

Getting pissed and doing most other kinds of drugs (well, the kind I like anyway!) is not conducive to mental calming. Calming and stimulation are obviously at opposite ends of the spectrum.

If I had managed to get to the Samye Ling yesterday, the night I got back I would probably have hit the beers. I will probably be exhausted when I get back and flatheids will seem like mad basturns to me. I don't think I've ever met a flatheid who exuded calmness, contentment or happiness.

Yesterday, I spent some time in here gazing at the picture of Lama Yeshe. I think it came to me how to view the navel symbol from the central channel. I may write that down later.

Today I will wholeheartedly support the Englanders against the Portuguese. I hope they reach the final. I hope they're playing the Fatherland. If Ballack is fit after the kicking he got from the Argies .... Adolf says things always balance up ... The Fatherland have to hump them four two. They have to get a dodgy goal. Then, at last (!!!), we won't have to watch programmes about how they won the World Cup in 1966! Uber Alles!

7:10 p.m.
I tried to support the Englanders as much as I could. I'm the kiss of death! They didn't deserve to go out like that. But I have to admit that when that boy put the Portuguese through .... my Id kind of popped out!

11:41 p.m.
Just before half eleven I was looking out the kitchen window and you could still see the silouhette (I used to be able to spell! I did!) of the trees over at Inverleith Park against a background of lovely, light blue sky. Out of he toilet window, the silou ... outline of Fettes College, black against the light blue, made it look as if Mad Ludwig once passed through this way.

It that an obscure reference? Mad Ludwig built Disney like castles in the Fatherland.

The Brazil/France game was coming on at eight and I really felt like going to the pub and watching it, but I skipped and shadow boxed through most of the first half instead. No beer or anything else tonight. Good boy!

I can't describe the effects of vase breathing to you if you've never connected breath and bliss. But you go to different places, places tonight I'd never really been to before. Even although I can't do the visualisations at all well, ra bliss and heat in the sheath like thing ... well, if you're too dumb to meditate there's not really any point in trying to describe it to you. Don't think I could anyway. You do transcend. My breath was very subtle tonight. Of course, I don't really know what I'm doing, but I don't really care. I'm going to do it anyway.

I can't remember what it was now that St Antony heard in the church he walked into. Something from the Gospels. He believed it anyway and just spent his life doing it. Bertrand Russell is dead funny about him in the History Of Western Philosophy. I think he ran into a bed of nettles when he saw some Josephine strip off to bathe. Thank Buddha for the middle way! Just staying off the beer will be enough round here!


Blogger zomba said...

I say Hotboy!

Did St Antony spend 40 years in the desert, or merely 40 days?

Now, England, whom you supported in the quarter finals, must spend 4 years in the desert.

Not understanding the footers game, I must question why possibly the best player in the World Cup was sent off for what appeared to be a minor infringement.

It certainly was not cricket, is all I can say.

I think I am now in the Low Countries, though what with all the excitement of the football, and all this travel, its difficult to tell. Certainly, they don't seem to comprehend what "A stiff MGT s'il vous plaix" means, so it can't be Blighty.


7:33 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Mingin! If by the best player in the World Cup you mean Wayne Rooney, you definitely watch even less photie than me! Also, stamping on some joe's goolies isn't really a minor infringement.
St Antony spent 40 years in his cave according to Michael Woods of the BBC. The boy who did the 40 days was supposed to do it without food or water, I think, and was obviously a yogi of some kind. You can tell if you're in the Low Countries, I think, if there are no hills! Hotboy

11:42 PM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say Hotboy.

I tried looking out of the hotel window to see if there were any hills, but it all went a bit wobbly, and I could not focus well. I shall phone reception, and ask where I am.


1:22 AM  
Blogger zomba said...

I say!

Reception says we are in 'Doordepurt', but I am none the wiser. The mini bar is costed in Euros, so that means its not the USA.


1:26 AM  
Blogger Tor said...

I do meditate, and am quite chagrined to say I don't really know what calmness is. I agree it's hard to escape the stimuli that are all around us in our modern lives. No wonder the impulse to lead a hermit's life has beckoned to me so often.

Good luck.

5:11 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

This is why I was trying to stay away from this blog in my current state. There's too much to read (apart from the blissology), and so many opportunities to offer help.

But to kick off with, how many brains do you reckon you have?

It is heartening to see you're learning the value of balance, between calming and stimulation. We'll turn this into a Taoist blog yet.

St Antony, whoever he was - was he before Gutenberg? If so, no wonder he was bored rigid in that cave! I'd have taken up meditation too.

Letting the Id pop out. Was that in public? I knew Ludwig well. My old dear, rest her soul, used to live in that castle until the disappearance.

6:44 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

tor - I don't meditate but I know calmness. Calmness is what happens when I fall asleep while the dentist is scraping the inside of a root canal. I don't know how I achieve it, but I think it comes from years of not trying.

MM - is 'Doordepurt' another typo, like with the Potowani wild goose chase? It doesn't help.

6:51 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Tor: Thanks for landing on my blog! It's always nice to find someone else who meditates. I don't know what calmness is either. You have to have someone poking wires into you jaw to understand it fully, probably. But probably not. Hope you get oddles of ra bliss! Hotboy

10:52 AM  

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