Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ra Even Sunnier Day!

Sunday 1:56 a.m.

I think it's going to be cool because I haven't been boozing and I land into the back door of the council house in Bellshill and this joe is sitting there. On a garden seat. He's called Joe. He is a family friend. He starts right in with this story about the alkie neighbour downstairs where he lives. There are bluebottles (flies!) coming up and he goes down stairs to investigate the bluebottles and the stench arising. So Vincent is lying there and the whole place is stinking of piss and the things accrued by alcoholism in that part of Scotland. There are swollen ankles and suppurating sores and old age alcoholism stuff and I know Joe knows the score because he is a recovering alkie and helps with AA meetings, and such like.

I don't need it. I don't want to hear it. Why don't these poor fungers all just fung off and die, so I can get on with my nice bourgeois life.

The boy who helped is no saint, by the way.

If it's called Samsara, just fung off! I really hate it. Don't tell me about your grannies with dementia, or your pals with the bits falling off, or all this sadness. If these stupid flatheids could take their idiotic suppositions and ... I just don't need to hear about it.

Sunday Morning 10:12 a.m.
Just edited the above to get some of the vitriol out of it. The guy's no saint, but he is in a way. He put on a boiler suit and mask and cleaned this old boy's house out after getting him into a hospital, getting him clothes, etc. A guy who tries his best.

But I woke up feeling wonderful! What a great life this is for me! Shame about the grief, sorrow and lamentations, but there's not really much I can do about that. But I can realise the emptiness of it. I'm going to get into that over the next month and it will be a sunny day for me today anyway.

This is RaBlissBlog so I should tell you something about ra bliss! Adolf and I are going to do a bit of meditating for someone he knows who is not well at all. Well, I've just finished doing a bit of that today. Everything just went whoosh! The vase breathing is really doing the business now! Just finished giving it laldy and getting more heat and bliss than ever. What a fortunate, fortunate creature I am!

And it is a sunny day! The family will be going out to see how beautiful Scotland is today. On Friday the Dom Bliss and I went to Dirleton beach which is about 20 miles away from here. Beautiful, beautiful place in the Forth Estuary. Walked along to North Berwich soaked in the beauty of it all. The world just looked gorgeous on Friday!


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Hotboy, you have a very good heart as well.
Do you ever meditate for the well being of a friend?

I think I can benefit from something like that!

5:13 AM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: You can dedicate the merit, but I don't know if it helps or not. If you think you need it, I'll give you an hour this morning. I'll be meditating anyway. Hotboy

10:26 AM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

That takes me back. I haven't see the German spelling of North Berwich since we had the maps translated in preparation for the invasion.

It would be interesting to see the unedited vitriol for comparison.

Signing off now, to do ten minutes for Betty before taking the dog out. I'll try some of the other suggestions instead of watching the breathing.

11:26 PM  

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