Friday, August 19, 2005

Ra Next DAY

I got Brian Wilson, now reborn as a goldfish, up to the flat yesterday and showed him the cricket ground out the back window. When I said it looked as if the covers were never going to come off, the poor wee thing went belly up with the disappointment of it all. I was pouring him down the toilet when the doorbell went and who was there but Brian Wilson, spontaneously reborn in his previous condition!

He had a tiger skin with him and a necklace made out of human finger bones. He said a wrathful deity gave them to him as a parting gift from the bardo. This buddhist stuff is dead easy, he says. You just shake the wrathful deity by one of his twenty seven arms and say you're just the same a me, pal. We're emanations of the Great Big Juju.

He took me out for lunch at Peckhams, just down the road. I had a Premier Cru, Kronenburg 1664 at 6% and a most enjoyable beer! Then we went to The Baillie where I had a pint of Belhaven Best. Soon we were in the Pleasance where there are tons of shows and you can drink out in the quadrangle where pretty girls come up to you and tell you all about shows you're not going to see.

By this time I had reverted to Guinness and Brian was becoming a lager lout. We were pretty pissed by the time we got into the rickshaw which took us to the High Street. Great fun was had by all! We shouted at the world going up Clerk Street. We sat on the kerb in the High Street, which at this time of year is chock-a-block with festival goers and people handing out flyers. Brian told me to stop lying back and looking up at the sky. Everything seemed very pretty.

Several bars later, we ended up in Deacon Brodies where an African woman expressed her faith in Jesus Christ with wonderful and simple conviction. Only Africans can do that right. When Americans come out with stuff like that, I always assume they're nazis.

There was a taxi and a very loud band somewhere. I was right up against the stage and jumping about like a maniac. The band was terrific. I wish I knew where that place was. I'd go back.

Sometime this morning I got off the floor and tried to go to my bed, but I found Brian Wilson camped there already! What a wonderful day!

However, it was not all fun and games. When Brian arrived, he didn't say anything at first, but handed me a card which said he'd taken a vow of silence until I mentioned ra bliss. So I threw a cushion down at the end of the lobby and told him to meditate on that. We didn't say anything for an hour and a half. He had to get up and read the newspaper. I had a really good go at vase breathing, and put on a wet teeshirt at one point. But didn't dry it off. Says something about how things were going though.

Brian paid for everything, including the rickshaw! Of course, I haven't got any money. Just bags of stamina!

I'm going for a stroll round the Botanic Gardens. Edinburgh is the most wonderful city in the world at this time of year!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Which Brian told you about the Blogpatrol counts?

And what happend to the cricket? Some of my students are fans of the game, awaiting your ball commentary.

I appreciate the beer commentary, but couldn't you have found room for some Weisse?

I hope this helps.

PS my class captain school chum and witness to my belting, returned and posted a character reference.

It's at

4:09 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Have you heard about Timothy Leary's adaptation of the TIbetan Book of the Dead?


12:17 PM  
Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! There are many emanations of Brian Wilson in the blogosphere! Also, the joe in those photies is not you, Adolf. How could it be? After all the spankings into shape!

3:03 PM  
Blogger onan the bavarian said...

hotboy, don;t be taken in by the power of dissembling

2:36 AM  

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